Jekka’s Herb Garden is designed to inspire people to grow and use herbs. It is based on Jekka’s RHS exhibits and our 2016 show garden. Started in 2022, see its evolution in the timeline below.
Designing Jekka's Herb Garden

It was in the spring of 2022 that work started on the creation of Jekka's Herb Garden. The hard standings, which were formerly covered with our sales stock were cleared in preparation

Mac drew out Jekka's Herb Garden design with white chalk paint, enabling us all to see it to scale.

The metal edging was produced for us by Steel Landscaping Co. whom, like Jekka’s, is a family run business.

Mac, using his experience as a former engineer, created a very unique template to enable him to bend the metal into the floral design ensuring each petal shaped bed had the same dimensions.

It took hours of work!

It was very exciting when the metal work was completed as Jekka's Herb Garden really started to take shape.

Jekka's herb garden design
The design of Jekka’s Herb Garden is based on the infinity symbol, a figure of 8, encompassing two large flowers. Each petal of the flower forms a different themed herb bed. The herb petals are the ideal dimensions for you to replicate at home. The herb petals themes include culinary, pollinators, herbal infusions and medicinal. Read Jekka’s blog for all the different herb petals and the planting plan.
Filling Jekka's Herb Garden with soil

We were thrilled to have St Mungo’s Putting Down Roots Bristol team help us with Jekka’s Herb Garden. They are a wonderful group, full of enthusiasm, to help with Jekka’s Herb Garden.

Putting Down Roots is a horticultural therapy and training project, using gardening as a tool to help people in their recovery.

They helped prepare the soil by moving, shifting and filling the herb beds, ready for planting.
Recycling our compost
The soil is the engine of the herb garden
One of the most important things to consider when growing herbs, apart from watering, feeding and sunlight, is the soil. This is the engine of any garden or container and it will control how your herbs will grow. Soil is part of the overall ecosystem and therefore, understanding, feeding and maintaining your soil is very important to the health of your herbs.
Most herbs will grow quite happily in typical garden soil, as long as it has good drainage. However, some herbs are native to the Mediterranean and prefer gritty, well-drained soil. Good drainage is crucial because the roots of Mediterranean native herbs are likely to rot in moist soil. If your garden soil is heavy, grow these herbs in containers or raised beds similar to the ones in Jekka’s Herbetum.
At Jekka’s Herb Farm we have three large compost bins that produce a beautiful and light compost. We sifted the soil to remove any roots or other plant matter that had not composted down.
Installation of the water feature

At the very centre of the garden is a water feature, for which we required a very deep hole to be dug into our clay soil.

Part one of installing the water feature involved a large crane and a huge concrete ring!

Mac also installed electrics for lighting and in-line drip pipes for
irrigation that will help cut down on water usage.

In the spring of 2023, we were joined by Mark, from Landform Consultants, who brought the water feature to us on his shiny, new truck!

The centre of Jekka's Herb Garden is now home to a beautiful Torc Pot that we saw at RHS Hampton Court Flower Show and reminiscent of Jekka's 2016 RHS Chelsea Show Garden.

It makes a beautiful centre piece which we look forward to sitting next to in the future.
Planting Jekka's Herb Garden

Planting of Jekka's Herb Garden started in February 2023 with the frost still on the ground.

The first hole was dug through the hardstanding cover into the hardcore stone below. Soil was then added ready for the plant, which in this case was a Pomegranate (Punica granatum).

In the following days more herbs were brought outside and positioned following Jekka's master plan.

Each herb petal was laid out prior to planting to make sure the position of the herbs was correct. For tips on planting your garden, see Jekka's 6 top steps to "Grow On" your herbs.

Once again we were delighted to be joined by Bristol's Putting Down Roots Team who planted up the herb petals. The herbs were removed from their pots, the roots were teased and then they were planted in the prepared hole.

Slowly the herb petals took shape with more soil being added as needed.

Jekka's Herb Garden has two flowers, with 8 petals each and in total 8 different planting themes. Read about them in Jekka's blog.

The corners of Jekka's Herb Garden has large speciment plants that were once exhibited at the RHS flower shows. Being planted here is an Olive Tree (Olea europaea)
Watching Jekka's Herb Garden grow

Jekka planted the herb petals in February and March 2023. Planting followed one of Jekka's golden rules, which is to space the plants out and give them room to grow. Read more in Jekka's blog on the garden in spring.

By May you could see Jekka's Herb Garden taking shape. The form, colour and structure of Jekka's design became apparent.

By June, Jekka's Herb Garden was looking stunning and visitors to Jekka's Open Days were able to admire it and take home ideas for their own gardens. Read more in Jekka's blog on the garden in summer.

It was lovely to see the pollinators find Jekka's Herb Garden and enjoy it as much as us!

As the summer progressed Jekka's Herb Garden went into flower with Marigolds, Sweet Rocket, Borage and Chives all putting on a lovely display. Read more in Jekka's blog on the garden in late-summer.

Come and visit Jekka's Herb Garden at one of our Herb Experiences, such as an Open Day or Jekka's HerbFest.

Jekka's Herb Garden looked stunning in September as the sun set.

By September 2023 the herbs were well established and filling the beds to Jekka's original designs.

There was still plenty of colour and character in October 2023 with many seed heads for the birds to enjoy.

Beautiful misty morning in November 2023 with the sun just breaking through. This is the most tranquil and relaxing time in the garden.

Autumn days have the most amazing light and the silhouette of fennel in Jekka's Herb Garden is quite magical.

As winter approaches and the frost sets in, it is time for Jekka's Herb Garden to rest until next spring.

April 2024 in Jekka's Herb Garden saw the weather warming and the herbs waken from their winter slumber.

May is a wonderful time in any herb garden and May 2024 in Jekka's Herb Garden was no exception with many of the herbs in full bloom.

June 2024 in Jekka's Herb Garden saw Viper’s Bugloss, Poppies, Cornflower and the other annual herbs putting on a dramatic display.

Jekka's Herb Garden, spring 2024 (picture by Ade Sellars).

Jekka's Herb Garden was in full flower in the summer and attracted a large range of pollinators from bees to hover flies, as seen on Echinacea (Coneflower) (Echinacea pallida).

We welcomed many visitors to Jekka's during 2025 and our September Open Days were no exception. Visitors enjoyed Herbetum tours as well as talks from Jekka on how to look after your herbs in the autumn.

The autumn light was quite magnificent on Jekka's Herb Garden. We let many of the herbs flower and set seed which were either harvested or be eaten by the finches.